Monday, October 18, 2010

The Mongolians

Camp Eggers is home to an army of multiple nations.  It’s interesting seeing the different uniforms and figuring out what country they are from.  Every time I go over there these big Asian looking dudes with AK-47s are coming in from patrol.  They look mean, or maybe they are just mad because they drew the short end of the stick and have to do all the bad patrols.  We thought maybe they were Koreans, they were too big to be Japanese, we just didn’t know.  Well, we just figured it out yesterday.  They are Mongolians.  If Ghengis Khan had a bunch of these dudes following him around it’s not surprising they once controlled most of Asia.  I wonder what they would think about the Mongolian Barbecue day at the Ft Jackson O-Club. 
An expansion on Afghan culture from yesterday.  I keep forgetting not to use the bathroom in our dorms around lunch because that is when the local national cleaning lady finishes cleaning the restrooms.  It takes a while to air out.
I hit up the ACU dump box trying to find me a pair of ACUs to wear so I won’t stick out so much.  I found a pair of pants and a shirt I thought I could squeeze into.  Well, no go on the shirt.  So I’ve got the patches, hat, and a pair of pants.  Almost to the point where I can blend in.
My co-worker from Ft Jackson, Patricia, arrived today.  It was good seeing a familiar face and catching up on the news with her. 
I got a roommate today.  Almost made it out of here without having one.  Just two more nights and I’ll be on my way downrange. 
Not much going on tonight.  Outta here.


  1. Hope you play Country MUSIC for him...that almost made me kill you. Love Jake

  2. That and made him watch Pure Country.

    Love you too.
