What a busy week!! Spent the week trying to get little odds and ends done around the house, packing and getting things ready for deployment, and spending time with the family. I was able to take each of the kids to breakfast or lunch (see pics above) and spend some individual time with them. Friday night some great friends came up from Augusta to spend the evening with us. Saturday we had a busy day. Little Man and I got hair cuts, Sera had to cheer at a football game, we went to the open house at the Ft. Jackson Fire Department, Sera and I went to Gator-Fest, and we ended the evening with a movie.
This morning we ate breakfast together. I had to finish packing and giving instructions to everyone. I think everyone was probably tired of me giving last minute instructions on how to take care of everything. The house will probably be more efficient without me there to get in every one's way :)
After the tire got changed on the airplane it was a pretty uneventful trip. The driver that brought us to Winchester, VA gave us history lessons the whole way. I got lessons on the Revolution (passed the farm that had been in George Washington's family for 140 years, numerous roads built for military purposes), Civil War (the three battles of Winchester and the various brigades/regiments involved, the driver has also been a re-enactor for decades), the French and Indian War. He was also in the Army and Air Force (he missed the Korean War because he had become a Ward of the State of Maryland), but I'll spare you the details. It was a very informative trip.
Tomorrow it looks like we get medical reviews, SERE training, Afghanistan briefings, and equipment issue. If you're lucky maybe I'll get some pictures of me getting some shots!!
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