Here are some pictures from the other day when I was out looking at some job sites. As you can tell, it's brown and there is a lot of dirt. It has been really clear the last couple of days so you can actually see the mountains and villages really well that are around us.
Yeah!!! My other duffle bag finally arrived. It's been pretty cold here at night and in the morning and I didn't have any of my cold weather gear. I've been in the south too long and I have a little harder time adjusting to the cold weather now, that and I just don't like it.
WAR EAGLE!!! Didn't get a chance to watch the game last night but I did get up to watch some to gamecast of it. I fell back asleep sometime in the 2nd quarter but got a great news when I woke up!!
Hopefully tomorrow I'll start M-ATV training. Somehow I'll have to get my project work done as well. I guess it shouldn't be too hard since there isn't much else to do. I usually get up around 5:30, get breakfast and get to work around 6:30. Typically I'll work until around 6:30 that evening. Do some errands and eat. Around 8 a few of us usually will watch an episode of a series and then I'll blog or catch up on work email or do some work training. Nothing too exciting.
A few of the jobs I got going on the FOB are a brigade headquarters, relocatable troop housing and building the new area office. Some of the other projects on the FOB are new rotary wing landing and maintenance areas and a fueling compound. Outside the FOB we are building roads, relocatable housing on some smaller FOBs, ANP stations and training centers. There is no infrastructure on the base so all the projects have to have stand alone utilities; water tanks, septic tanks and generators. The first part of the base is the standard 110V power like in America. The new structures that we are building I think will eventually be taken over by the Afghan Army and so all the power and receptacles are European Standards.
HOMEFRONT NEWS: Katy and the kids went down to Alabama for the weekend. On the way down Katy stopped at a truck stop to get some gas. When she was getting the kids out to go in the truck stop Christian decided he was going to test out the emergency pump shut off. He succeeded in shutting down the pumps to the whole station. Katy said the attendant was able to get everything back up and running quickly so a riot didn't ensue.
That's about it for tonight. There are some interesting things here that I will write about, just need to find out some more information before I post it.
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