Wednesday, October 27, 2010

M-ATV Training

Spent part of the afternoon and evening driving the M-ATV.  I posted 3 pictures in the photo bucket.  That thing is awesome!!!!  You can drive up and down waddies (that's what they call the dry river beds) without any effort, over rocks, around obstacles and it flies for it's size.  Unfortunately they are a little out of my price range so I won't be getting one any time soon.
The base is getting kind of crowded as new troops arrive in preparation for the current ones leaving.  There is a big increase of C-17s coming and going and Apaches flying around.  Unfortunately, it impacts the line to the DFAC.  It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't get a little angry when I get hungry.  But, I've adapted, I carry beef jerky around with me to snack on in case of emergencies.  JACK LINKS - it's premium cut, slow cooked and mesquite smoked, AND it FEEDS YOUR WILD SIDE!!  It's also the only kind that the DFAC stocks so there isn't much of a choice.
I believe the PX was closed again today with a sign saying "Too Few Items to Sale".  Day 4 and counting I think.
One of the sergeants on our Force Protection team gave our Local National interpreter that works for us a bike to ride on the FOB today.  I don't know if he has ridden a bike before, I think he has.  They were giving him a lesson on how to ride it anyway.  You could tell he was pretty happy and excited by the grin on his face.
The kids must have been good last night so there isn't any news there.  We had an incoming round this morning which is kind of unusual.  Tomorrow I have a meeting with an Afghan contractor from Kabul.  I'm looking forward to meeting them and curious as to how they operate.  They haven't done Corps work before but I got them on to QCS and have been trying to teach them the process.  Part of the job is to teach them some of our construction process and help them succeed.  I'm looking forwared to it!

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