Friday, November 12, 2010

Escort Business

I've spent the last couple of days playing escort to some contractors.  I think I've got this business of heading out to the gate figured out.  Tomorrow I've got to figure out if we have enough room to easily manuever the M-ATV through the barries, then we'll be riding in style.  The pick up yard is basicall part parking lot, shanty town and zoo, depending on the time of day. 
Finally got a haircut yesterday.  Since my beard was looking like I could hide some trolls in it I decided to let the man trim it.  Haircut and beard trim all for the low price of $8.  Sure beats Sports Clips, you only have to find your way to FOB Shank, Afghanistan.
Had some Nan and Chi after that and listened to the Afghan interpreters talk about politics.  They were Afghans that left at some point and have come back to work here as interpreters.  They laid out how the positions were bought and how the tribe system kind of works.  They feel like most people here don't feel like getting an education and would rather play with AKs.  Hopefully that's not the case, but it'd take a lot to convince them otherwise.  However, until the taliban situation is under control all our Afghan contracts leave around 1600 to make sure they can get back home before dark falls because it is too dangerous to be out after dark.
I took a picture of a C-17 flying in over the base.  They normally land and take off away from the base, so this vantage point was pretty cool.
We celebrated Veteran's Day by flying some Corps flags over the compound for us to take home.  Oher than that it's business as usual over here.

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