Friday, November 19, 2010

Cooking out and Controlled Detination

I forgot to mention that I got a package from Katy yesterday.  Besides a few toiletry items it was filled with candy and my favorite, cans of frosting!!  Not that I need the frosting, but It's soooo good when it hits your lips!!
Finally cooked the steaks that we traded for a couple of weeks ago.  We got the fire going with some scrap wood and charcoal.  Then I cracked my Becks near bear, lit my cigar, threw the steaks on and it was just like cooking in the backyard..........Except it wasn' was in Afghanistan :)

Above are a couple of pictures from the controlled detonation that they had today.  They blew up a ton of explosives today.  I was out on a site right after lunch when these pictures were taken.  I don't know how far away I was, but the percussion was pretty substantial.  A few hours later they had some more detonations but I missed the announcement.  So they went off, shook the building, and I headed to the bunker.  One of the Force Pro guys asked where I was the bunker of course.  He clued me in so that was my "DOH" moment of the day.  Just part of doing business over here.

I've attached some pictures of my room and office.  It's pretty good.  I'm definately not complaining.  If you're thinking about coming over, don't think that all rooms are single rooms.  I don't know if all the FOBs have single rooms but this one does and so does Ghazni.  Though Ghazni's accomodations aren't near as nice.  Below is a picture we took when we landed at Ghazni.  Dennis, I've got the bear safely to Shank!!
If these pictures appear distorted, just check them out in the photo gallery. I'm not all that great at resizing them. 
In case you're curious on how we stare down contractors to let them know we're not happy with their performance see below.  I'm the bearded one of course!


  1. Grilling, beer, and a cigar...nice. They have a bar in a town where I worked that had lamb chislic. It was really good but that's the only lamb I've had. Your room looks pretty sweet as far as tiny rooms go. Easy to keep clean I'll bet lol.

  2. It is easy to keep clean, but you wouldn't believe the dust over here. It's everywhere.
